Jeanne Loring
Company: The Scripps Research Institute
Job title: Professor
Addressing Somatic Mutations for Cell Therapies to Consider How This Could Affect Treatment 11:30 am
Exploring how genetic variations in donor cells can influence the efficacy and safety of iPSC-based therapies Evaluating the potential differences in somatic mutation profiles between skin and bloodderived iPSCs, and their implications for treatment outcomes Discussing strategies to identify and mitigate potential safety concerns associated with somatic mutations in iPSC-derived cell therapiesRead more
day: Conference Day One
Evaluating Preclinical Models to Select the Most Applicable for Your Pipeline to Streamline Translation to the Clinic 10:00 am
Finding models for neurological disorders is challenging, especially for complex indications such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, ALS and more. This session aims to explore a wide range of indications and showcase the most innovative models to represent diseases with physical, genetic or sporadic origin. Join this session to: Breakdown the challenges involved in modelling neurological…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day